Seriously folks, this is so worth it.
All the sacrifices we made. All those nights pondering the nutritional value of a McDonald's 1 ounce packet of Ketchup.
All those days of grift and grab and diapers! Don't even get me started on the diapers... so many... Oi vey... I think the City thought I was running a commercial farm out of our fashionable two-flat.
And all those weeks using the Reader to wipe. Who knew that soy ink could cause so bad a rash!?!?!
Seems like just yesterday that he set the University Library on fire. Those terrible twos.
The tallest 4th grader ever. Check Guinness. He's there, right next to the Belch the Alphabet Champion of 2000.
And, oh dear, do remember the time, I think he was eight. You remember!!! He seduced the crossing guard and you actually tried to GROUND him!
Dude, sorry, but I tipped my hat.
All those days and nights and years now just dust in the wind.
Seeing him today, dressed like a student of all the prep-schools he got kicked out of, finally coming into his own, well, it's just earth-shattering. We are taking our props as joy feeds us.
You Go Girl!!!
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