Sorry kids but we here at Casa de Redneck are a wee dash confused.
Okay. We understand that's a pretty normal state hereabouts.
And while we usually revel in, if not actively contribute to it, the confusion experienced now has little to do with wondering why there are wet towels on the bathroom floor and four whiskey bottles in the bathroom trash or how confetti managed to make it into the refrigerator or where the fucking remote went or who swiped WSE's hat (we KNOW it was Lieber - the fooking tosser) or even when those last seven condoms got turned into water-balloons and dropped, unceremoniously, on the heads of guests, neighbors and passers-by.
Questioning that which is the norm is futile. There is no seeking reason in insanity and, once embraced, insanity is very difficult to rein in by reason. Best to let chaos dance...
Then clean-up the mess - which, what with the scavenger hunts and all, is an adventure in itself.
What we are confused about is this whisper campaign (yes started by the looney tunes on the right, but brought full to the fore by none other than the current sweetheart of liberalism, Andrew Sullivan), that questions Solicitor General's Elena Kagan's sexual orientation. Now that our criminal, fascist, muslim... yada, yada, yada - you know the drill and the talking points - President has chosen to ask the extremely recalcitrant Senate to confirm Ms. Kagan as the next High Wizard Supreme Court Justice, everyone wants to know "does she or doesn't she?".
First it's not like anybody got elected to the Senate for OVERestimating the intelligence of the American public. Christ, Al Franken is a Senator (D - MN - and doing a damn good job), but then again so is Jim DeMint (R - Crazysauce)). But the sophistry and the hypocrisy of the Right right now is so over the top that the last three sane voters just moved to Arizona thinking - "Hell, it can't get any worse" (sorry kidz it does).
Second. and this segues to one. For years and weeks and months and days we been hearing the Right shout itself blue over appointing JUDGES, people with real time legal experience as Justices to the High Court. We have heard carefully constructed sound bites about how great it would be if a President picked somebody, anybody who didn't come from the Bench. We have heard the word and the word from them is we need diversity of opinion and varied experience with institutional structure on the Court. Hell we have even heard how Harriett Miers was the next best thing to sliced bread. Y'all recall how well that worked out.
Now the word has changed. The lede is hypocritically altered. The meme sophistry.
We will admit Kagan is a black box with no experience in rendering judgments. We also concur in the fact that she has a sparse paper trail. We don't like her position (for as much as we know) on Executive Power and late-term abortions. She seems White's wet dream - a total organization person (there is a Russian word that we cannot recall at this time - leading us to wonder what happened to our copy of Ten Days That Shook The World - that we'd like to use). Ah, wait there it is. Apparatchnik. That's the word. Well, so was Rehnquist and nobody but the people he perjured himself before really raised too much of a ruckus.
Sure, some of this is valid. We the people, well we have a right duty to learn where Ms. Kagan stands on some of the vital issues of the day, although it's unlikely we'll learn anything through the confirmation process seeing as how Kagan herself has backtracked on her position. And, it is nearly impossible to get a read on any sort of "litmus test" (as if that should exist in the first place), when the Right keeps moving the goal posts.
But this whole is she or isn't she (a lesbian) thing is the biggest crock o' shit since Nixon tried to convince us that he was not a crook. Apparently, the conjuncture is based on her batting stance or the simple fact that she plays softball in the first place (after all, everybody knows straight chicks only play with hard balls). No mind that there have been several single male Justices who never faced a question about their sexual orientation, despite their crappy batting stance and affinity for curling.
When was the last time you heard anybody question the sexual proclivities of a successful white male (excluding Catholic priests) who passed on the whole American dream of marriage, 2.3 kids, a house in the 'Burbs, a wife on Prozac™, a "lover" (undisclosed) on coke and an unaffordable mortgage?
The greatest thing about human sexuality is that, if you employ enough creativity, if you are willing to engage in a little experimentation, if you have an open mind and apply reasoning to any situation all the parts fit together. It really doesn't matter if it's Guy/Guy, Girl/Girl, Guy/Guy/Girl, Girl/Girl/Guy, the Puritanical favorite of simply Girl/Guy or any neglected combination, if one is willing to analyze the facts, assess the situation, work the problem and apply a dash of creative reasoning, the outcome will be mutually satisfactory.
We here at Casa de Redneck may have our reservations about Ms. Kagan, but they have nothing to do with her purported (sorry Magz) inclinations to develop loving, caring and, yes, sexual relationships with those of her own gender. In fact we think this is a benefit. After all, "straight" white males or females employ little thought or creativity, they don't have to work the problem and reason out satisfactory conclusions in the way those practicing what we euphemistically call "alternative lifestyles" do. Creativity, experimentation, open-mindedness, analysis, reasoning and a desire to reach outcomes that please the parties involved: we think these are fine qualities for a Justice to possess.
And, if it comes out during the confirmation process that Ms. Kagan owns a Squirmy Rooter, well then, we will only support her more.
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