...More of a reward and initiative vs rewarding inactivity and indifference. The latter collapses on itself eventually, just like it is now in much of Europe.
Which was probably a mistake as WSE is short of sleep and way hungover...
WSE does not know a single Liberal or Progressive breathing who does not admire and espouse the benefits of hard work and initiative.
Inactivity and indifference are relative terms, depending on what you are indifferent and inactive toward. WSE would posit that the Libertarian ideals espoused by the attached author demonstrate misplaced priorities of Hobbesian proportions. WSE would further state that if you (collectively) wish to witness indifference and inactivity, simply look in the mirror.
M'•er•i•can |Mm'airikin| (N) def.: Anyone of Straight, White, Male, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant (hereafter SWASP) descent (other oriented/racial/gender/ethnic/religious groups considered and accepted only after decades of repression and discrimination and proper supplication. SWASPs reserves the right to kick your ass to the curb, without notice or debate, at any time), who believes that catastrophic oil spills are mere "accidents", engages in (despite his/her/its "holier than thou" convictions) moral opportunism and further believes that justice, equity and liberty are mere commodities to be bought and sold on the open market free from the restraint of the ever repressive boot heel of the suffering masses and longs for, while striving toward, the halcyon days of SWASP hegemony.
We M'ericans are history's most self-indulgent culture (is there a cash prize that?!?). We M'ericans consume more of the world's resources than the Vogons. We are Cleveland Arning, devouring the planet country by country, exporting our trite, consumptive, paparazzi-addled culture to the world, while pissing on their leg and telling them it's raining.
Our indifference and inactivity, as the wealthiest nation on this planet, is nauseating. In the face of suffering, in the face epidemic, in the face of global catastrophe, a saintly few M'ericans may, reach for their wallet, but they will not reach out. We turn our heads and turn the page, justifying our indifference and inaction with pious platitudes.
WSE is moving to Australia. Beaches, babes and no beer too warm to drink.
☂ Tip O' the Hat to C. D. for needed education, great conversation and bourbon.
☂☂ O' the Hat to Magz for the photo.
☂☂☂ Definitely been spending too much time at Whiskey Fire. A good dose of Cole is in order.
Hey! If you go to Australia, you better take me with you!