

This is a Confession

Can't quite deal with the gravity.

The levity is enough.

The hardest thing about writing in the third person, is remembering to write in the the third person.

WSE does not, nor does he purport to, speak for the house. Casa de Redneck exist without foundation. It remains, despite the best efforts of those who would seek to repress us, a bastion of ideas and ideals - a Salon - where freedom exists without fear of reprisal, cell phones are not monitored by the NSA and liberty is not measured by the size of one's paycheck.

While hours spent in the confessional cannot make up for the the sins placed on the page, we do our best to disseminate information, at infrequent intervals, that you need to know.

The black helicopters will not stop us. The great orange satan cannot stifle our voice. We are the people, the voice of the great unwashed, intemperate masses.

The day may come, and it may come soon, when the FCC or our own immoderate ways force us, like Harry Potter, to seek refuge in far off fens, avoiding he-who-must-not-be-named, but until that fateful day arrives, until the the Brown Shirts beat down our door and render us to some undisclosed location, we shall remain ever vigilant in just crusade.

We would, however, advise you to clear your browser history.


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