Ok we have had sausage on crackers, up next is pork stuffed with sausage, and more sausage. I got the "wedding sausage" from the polish market because it was the only one I could pronounce (Wesleva?) The first home-grown salad of the season is also coming up WOOOO! - deano martino.
Sometimes, well before the dark, you understand that you've been drinking a bit. And there is nothing to worry about there, the strange smell of after rain and the yes indeed we are lighting the grill, voices I don't even know and the hope of lightning bugs. And that strange desire for everything to be ok, one time only. One time only where the air touches you in that strange breezy way and the voices around you are friendly and there is a bit of smoke and I just want a summer to mean something every once in a while but god damn if I do not quite know what I want to say, aside from that great summer feeling you get when you hear the grill com off and you smell the meat and you are so happy to pour another bit of wine into the glass and wait for the fireflies and a bit of night to come.
Meghan V. L.
Wow Meghan pretty much said it all and way better than this poor correspondent could ever convey.
I will say that when you resort to stuffing meat with meat, you are approaching some sort of event horizon at an insane speed.
Tip o' the Hat to Deano Martino (slow roaster extraordinaire).

Meghan and I with a cracker that looks like the lower peninsula of Michigan.
Where o where are the umbrellas?
Musical interlude:
I am losing at euchre but w.s.e. and I are cooler than the people we're playing against. ~ Deano Martino.
oh boy still up d.m. weird things happening.
interlude 2: